Duration 10:4

Chocolate Dinner Rolls Easy Recipe 巧克力小餐包 朱古力面包 简单面包做法

2 227 watched
Published 7 Oct 2021

每个星期都会烘焙面包给家人吃,喜欢吃巧克力的我怎么可能会错过巧克力面包呢?这次做了巧克力小餐包,搭配杏仁片让面包看起来好可爱,当然口感也会更好。如果你喜欢更浓郁的巧克力味道,可以在面包里面加入巧克力粒会更好吃哦。希望大家会喜欢这份巧克力面包食谱 :) 【巧克力面包食谱】 250g 高筋面粉 15g 可可粉 45g 细砂糖 4g (1 tsp) 速溶干酵母 3g 盐 半颗鸡蛋 150ml 牛奶 35g 无盐牛油 适量杏仁片 【模具】 9 寸方模 / 22.5cm x 22.5cm 00:00 简介 00:56 巧克力面包食谱 01:12 制作面团 04:11 加入无盐牛油 06:27 滚圆面团 06:34 首次发酵 06:50 面包排气 07:02 分割9等份 07:18 滚圆面团 07:55 放入模具 08:02 二次发酵 08:08 装饰面包 08:46 放入预热烤箱 08:53 出炉 08:56 涂上牛油 09:33 成品 ❤️ =================================================== Who doesn't like fluffy soft chocolate dinner rolls? I have added some almond flakes to make it cute :) You can definitely add some chocolate chips into it, it will be more chocolatey. 【Chocolate Dinner Rolls Recipe】 250g Bread Flour 15g Cocoa Powder 45g Caster Sugar 4g (1 tsp) Instant Dry Yeast 3g Salt Half Egg 150ml Milk 35g Unsalted Butter Almond slices 【Mold】 9 inch Square Mold / 22.5cm x 22.5cm 00:00 Introduction 00:56 Chocolate Dinner Rolls Recipe 01:12 Making dough 04:11 Add unsalted butter 06:27 Dough shaping 06:34 First fermentation 06:50 De-gas and shaping 07:02 Divide into 9 equal portions 07:18 Shape each dough 07:55 Put into baking mold 08:02 Second proofing 08:08 Decorate the bread 08:46 Put into oven 08:53 Out from oven 08:56 Apply a layer of butter 09:33 Result ❤️ //----------------------------------------- Follow happy tummy studio Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/happytummystudio/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/happy.tummy.studio/ -----------------------------------------// #chocolatebuns #巧克力面包 #小餐包 #面包 #chocolatebread 🎵Music provided by BGM President 🎵Track : My Children's day Story - /watch/UETrL-laNDMar


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