Duration 23:54

Project5 - Calculator in Scratch | coding | calculator scratch | scratch | knowledge quotient

33 128 watched
Published 21 May 2021

Please watch: "Project 6 - Car Game In scratch | knowledge Quotient |" /watch/4EFMiJuFQwAFM --~-- Welcome to Knowledge Quotient. In this video, I have created a simple four-function calculator! These four functions are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division. Furthermore, these kinds of calculators will typically include a number pad with the values zero through nine. The main objective is to understand the mathematical operations within Scratch and how to combine these with user input/conditional statements. Please let me know in the comment section if you need a scratch project link to better understand and let me know what my next project will be. Watch the tutorial video to see how we code this game step-by-step. Scratch editor Link - https://scratch.mit.edu/ If you're new to Scratch, first check out An Introduction To Scratch - /watch/jb75-1eJj9e5 Project 1 - Hide and seek Game - /watch/kxSHEHbkRYvkH Project 2 - Snake Game - /watch/0AhUL2yQdI2QU Project 3 - The Thirsty Crow - /watch/AOszAzew_3Mwz Project 4 - Multi-level Maze Game - /watch/olDk-YFmaZYmk


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