Duration 11:7

Zoo of Biscuit Beetles: How to Get Rid of Beetles, Stegobium paniceum Entomology School.

Published 5 Jul 2020

VIDEO LINK: /watch/seuGoi4B5WlBG = Entomology School. Zoo of Biscuit Beetles: How to Get Rid of it? How to get Rid of Drugstore, or Biscut Beetles, Stegobium paniceum? Entomologist, biologist Dr Vctor Fursov, tells about biology of Biscut Beetles, Stegobium paniceum, and measures how to get rid of it from your kitchen or food stores? = Drugstore, or biscuit beetle, Stegobium paniceum can feed on a diverse range of dried foods and spices, as well as hair, leather, books, and museum specimens. It can bore into furniture and in some cases tin foil or sheets of lead. The drugstore beetle Stegobium paniceum, is also known as the biscuit or bread beetle since it can happily live on biscuit or bread crumbs. PEST Damage = The drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum, attacks such a wide variety of foods and material that one anonymous quote states that it "eats anything but cast iron." It gets its name from its habit of feeding on prescription drugs. It also feeds on flours, dry mixes, dry breads, cookies, chocolates and other bread sweets, dry herbs, dry pepper and spices. Non-food material includes wool, hair, leather, horn, and museum specimens. It is found in pigeon nests and is known to bore into books, wooden objects, and, in some cases, tin or aluminum foil and lead sheets. Larval feeding accounts for the greatest amount of damage. Museum and herbarium specimens are vulnerable to attack. Slight damage and contamination can ruin these valuable and priceless items. MANAGEMENT. Preventing and controlling drugstore beetle, Stegobium paniceum, infestations is relatively simple: Insecticides should be used only as a last resort. Locating the source or sources of infestation is the first and most important step. Heavily infested items should be wrapped in heavy plastic, taken outside and thrown away. All food containers and items should be checked for infestation. Items can be placed in the refrigerator or freezer (16 days at 36°F or seven days at 25°F) to kill all stages. Place the items in a plastic bag to reduce condensation problems during thawing. Heating small quantities of infested material (190°F for one hour, 120°F for 16 to 24 hours) in an oven is also effective. Uninfested items can be cold- or heat-treated to ensure that any undetected stages are killed. To prevent reinfestation, clean up spilled flour, mixes, crumbs, etc. and thoroughly vacuum and clean areas where the contaminated items were stored. Store foods in airtight glass, metal or plastic containers. Clear containers make it easier to check for infestation. Chemical treatment using commercially available insecticides or insect growth regulators is usually not necessary but if used, be sure to follow the label. = = Этот Жук - Хлебный точильщик Stegobium paniceum Сожрет Все Ваши Запасы на Кухне. = Хлебный точильщик (лат. Stegobium paniceum) — распространённый повсеместно вид из семейства жуков-точильщиков (Coleoptera, Anobiidae). Хлебный точильщик широко известен в качестве опасного вредителя разнообразных сухих продуктов животного и растительного происхождения (продовольственных, табачных запасов и изделий из них, аптечных лекарственных трав). Вредит Stegobium paniceum - как личинка, так и имаго. Наиболее часто повреждает запасы сушёных продуктов: сухарей, сушки, галетного печенья, печенья, дробленых зернопродуктов и комбикормов, сухофруктов, лекарственного сырья, переплеты книг, гербарии и коллекции семян. Хлебный точильщик Stegobium paniceum является наиболее злостным вредителем гербариев и других биологических коллекций, включая энтомологические. Особенно ощутимый вред причиняется питанием личинок старших возрастов. Взрослые жуки не питаются и живут за счет жировых запасов, накопленных на стадии личинки. Самка Stegobium paniceum откладывает 60—80 яиц в будущий корм для личинок. Стадия яйца длится около 1—2 недель. = #Stegobium, #drugstorebeetle, #biscuitbeetle, #breadbeetle, #Stegobiumpaniceum, #beetles, #foodpest, #pests, #Coleoptera, #Anobiidae, #StegobiumUkraine, #entomologySchool, #entomologistSchool, #ШколаЭнтомолога, = Uploaded: 05.VII.2020, Kiev, Kyiv, the capital of UKRAINE. Загружено: 05.VII.2020, Киев, столица Украины = * TO DONATE * Options: ***** 1) Direct transaction via Western Union /or Money Gram = to my contact: e-mail: ufensia@gmail.com It is the Best & safe way for support. 2) DONATIONS: for my PATRONS / SPONSORS = мои проекты = See my current projects: Если ВЫ хотите помочь каналу, ЛИНК: https://www.patreon.com/drvictorfursov SUBSCRIBE TO MY VIDEO-CHANNEL = LINK = /user/ufensia VIDEO LINK: = /watch/seuGoi4B5WlBG


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