Duration 1:39

دعاء مشاري راشد العفاسي - الزلزال USA-PH

157 641 watched
8.7 K
Published 7 Feb 2023

دعاء زلزال تركيا وسوريا انتاج تلفزيون الكويت


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Comments - 758
  • @
    @zarka452last year
    " "
    . 15
  • @
    @Farxundalast year Suriya va turkiyadagi zilzila oqibatida musibatga uchragan barcha dindosh va qardoshlarimga allohdan sabr so' rayman. Haq taolo marhumlarni rahmatiga . ...Expand 8
  • @
    @faziah1163last year Gratitude cher sheikh alafasynos frres et soeurs de turquie et de syrie mritent que nous les soutenions avec des prires
    allah vous bnisse id="hidden6" sheikh alafasy ainsi que tous nos frres et soeurs
    que tout notre amour soit pour nos frres et soeurs dans le malheur
    . ...Expand 27
  • @
    @tvt-Arlast year Translation of this dua:
    oh allah, we seek refuge in you from earthquakes and trials. Oh allah, protect us from the evil of earthquakes and trials ameen. ...Expand