Duration 1000

Ready As I'll Ever Be [MAP part 10] HITA EighthSun (Warriors)

215 700 watched
Published 18 Feb 2018

lmao pls stop commenting about the quality harassing me wont change it i told yall my program was shit otl sendspace: https://www.sendspace.com/file/iuqkk0 For the ready as ill ever be map part hosted by hita and sparrow! ok i managed to get this done lmao i had no time to rlly work on this so i whipped this up :'0 i kinda imagined a storm scenery and as ivypool is running into battle theres rain and a lightning bolt hits a tree?? i discussed this w the other parts so oof anyway if u see this i put a lil rain in too/drizzle or smth,, idk i had so many difficulties editing this and the begining is kinda low quality, i tried fixing it but i couldnt sorry ;; nether the less i hope this is ok hhhhh firealpaca hates me it is NOT an animating program so idek how i know how to animate. btw this guy has nice physics in effects that i studied b sure to check out rt-fx on da lol good explosion tutorials map: /watch/Eu6izD6Qm9gQi Characters: Ivypool, Dovewing, Firestar


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